Scenarios of Spill-Over Effects from Global (Climate) Change Phenomena to Austria

Austria is part of an interconnected global economy. This is why climate change impacts in other parts of the world might be relevant for our exports and imports and consequently for our economic development. These possible spill-over effects will be analyzed with quantitative and qualitative methods. Sensitive supply chains or economic structures will be identified. Beyond that several possible and plausible scenarios for Austria's vulnerability due to spill-overs from global climate change in combination with other global change phenomena (energy crisis, demographic change, polarization, etc.) will be developed within the interdisciplinary team and a scientific high-level expert panel.
Finally a roadmap how to address the identified spill-over effects in the Austrian climate
adaptation strategy will be developed and communicated to relevant stakeholders.

Laufzeit: 2011 bis 2014.


Tel: +43/6991/523 61 00

Gefördert von

  • Klima- und Energiefonds; NEUE ENERGIEN 2020


  • BOKU; Zentrum für Globalen Wandel und Nachhaltigkeit
  • ÖGUT Österreichische Gesellschaft für Umwelt und Technik