The overall aim of BuildUPspeed is to accelerate the volume and depth of deep renovation of the EU building stock, supporting the EU renovation wave, by introducing and implementing a Market Activation Platform, specifically for the promotion and implementation of industrialized renovation solutions. BuildUPspeed builds upon and capitalizes the results and outcomes from relevant and related H2020 projects on deep renovation, specifically projects and actionson prefabrication, BIM adaption for renovation and industry 4.0. Moreover, BuildUPspeed will build upon the legacy, the approach and the results of several chapters of the 'Energiesprong' BuildUPspeed will achieve this by following key pillars:
1. Clustering of efforts and evidences capitalizing:
a. key outputs on industrialized solutions, both on products and on process, from relevant EU projects;
b. key outputs on Building Information Modelling (BIM), adapted to efficient renovation, from relevant EU projects;
c. the approach and evidences capitalizing key outputs of the Energiesprong program NL, FR and IT;
2. Digitalizing these key outputs to make them attractive to end-users and industries, easily accessible in a virtual MarketActivation Hub, in an on-line open source platform;
3. Introducing the concept of fully automated 'Local' or 'Pop-up' factories and implement this as pilots in a number of locations in the countries involved in BuildUPspeed.
Offering attractive and understandable information on evidence based performances of renovated buildings to user/owners in order to show the potential of industrialized solution sto reduce the performance gap (both on energy and IEQ).
UIPI will be mainly involved in this project when it comes to defining policy recommendations and organising workshops, bringing together EU, national and local level.
The BuildUPspeed project has received funding from the LIFE programme of the European Unition under Grant Agreement no. 101075843. |

- EU Programm for the Environment and Climate Action (LIFE)