Circular Training for Start-ups
Integrating sustainability and circularity aspects into the start-up development process
The idea of CircularStart is grounded on the recognition that there is a lack of knowhow and training of start-ups and entrepreneurs in the field of sustainability and fostering the transition towards a more circular economy. In order to be successful, this knowledge needs to be easily integrated into the business idea development and decision making process, i.e. there is a need for training supported by practical tools that are compatible with well-known BM development methods like e.g. the Business Model Canvas. Accordingly, the consortium is composed of eight partners representing universities and research centres that for many years have been working on sustainable products, services and businesses, and incubators/accelerators or organizations that represent them, from three distinct EU countries (Austria, Spain and Portugal). The partnership represents different socio-economic, regulatory and financial backgrounds which are essential to ensure that the project responds to the start-ups' needs in a meaningful and reproducible way across the EU.
In the long term, the project will promote and support the development of sustainable BMs across Europe and raise awareness among start-ups, their consultants and investors on the need for more sustainable products, solutions and businesses. Accessible, easy to use and internationally founded eLearning materials and competence building support this.
Therefore, the aim of this project is to develop an interactive guidance tool and related eLearning resources as well as a training program for incubators and consultants to train start-ups to understand, evaluate and improve sustainability issues related to their BM. The tool and training materials will be developed to be used in direct personal context (such as a classroom, a workshop or a counselling meeting) and as self-study based eLearning resources to build up competences regarding the integration of circularity and sustainability aspects into new business ideas.

- Erasmus+ Higher Education
- ABC - Accelerator, Rasvoj Startupov in Mladih Podjetij, Doo (SVN)
- ANJE Associacao nacional de jovens emprsarios (PRT)
- INITS - Universitäres Gründerservice Wien, GmbH (AUT)
- ITC-AICE Asociación Investigación de las Industrias Ceramicas (ESP)
- LNEG - Laboratório Nacional de Energia e Geologia, I.P. (PRT)
- MU Enpresagintza S. COOP. (ESP)
- Prospektiker - European Institute for Future Studies and Strategic Planninng (ESP, Lead)
- Siemens Mobility Austria GmbH
- VUT Vienna University of Technology, TU Wien (AUT)
- Leaflet CircularStart (pdf-Datei, 1 MB)
- Kurzvorstellung CircularStart (pdf-Datei, 621 KB)